Welcome to the website of Natalie Alderton Dyslexia Services Ltd, a Surrey based specialist for dyslexia in children. If you’re here, there’s a good chance that you’re looking to investigate dyslexia symptoms that your child may be exhibiting via professional assessment, or move forward following a diagnosis via tailored dyslexia tutoring. And through the expert provision of these two separate services, that’s exactly what we provide young people in areas including Caterham, Coulsdon, Oxted, Purley and Warlingham – help with dyslexia, whether it’s been a long-standing concern, or something that’s only recently come to attention.
Our dyslexia assessments can provide clarification, evidencing how dyslexia symptoms are in fact indicators of this common specific learning difficulty (SpLD), or instead indicative of a different developmental concern which than then be explored in turn. Diagnosis is the first step to setting goals, developing learning strategies, and obtaining helpful resources that can lead to night and day improvements in areas in which a young person may be struggling. What’s more, the sense of validation and subsequent proactive measures can really make a difference when it comes to a child’s mental health, which can suffer due to a feeling that they’re “falling behind” or underachieving academically.
The dyslexia tests Natalie carries out are comprehensive investigations which lead to detailed, official reports; but they’re also always conducted with the child’s comfort in-mind. For this reason, we recommend that they be carried out at their school or place of residence – somewhere that’s familiar and reassuring. You can learn all about how Natalie conducts dyslexia assessments by following this link. Natalie is a certified dyslexia assessor with the following accreditations:
These make her a genuine specialist in her field, focusing in on dyslexia in children living and studying around Surrey, from Caterham to Coulsdon, Oxted to Purley and onward to Warlingham.
Visiting a dyslexia assessor is the first step in a journey towards progress in areas that can be frustratingly challenging. But we’re also here to help you take the next step on that same path. Working to get a real understanding of your child’s strengths, weaknesses, and what they love and hate when it comes to schoolwork, Natalie provides another form of help with dyslexia – tailored dyslexia tutoring.
She’ll focus on tricky areas and target goals that are set out ahead of time, often with the view of succeeding in a particular end of term exam or school entrance test. The aim is to ensure that sessions are fun and engaging, as when this is the case we never fail to see fantastic results amongst Caterham, Coulsdon, Oxted, Purley and Warlingham pupils working through Natalie’s dyslexia tutoring.